Adarve participates in Telfa’s annual Associates Meeting in Denmark
Carolina Reyes, Lawyer at Adarve, has given a keynote speech on the Right to be forgotten in the EU during the Telfa’s annual Associates Meeting in Copenhagen, hosted by Danish member firm Lund Elmer Sandager. She mainly talked about the Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the case “Google Spain”, describing the fundamental characters of the “Right to be forgotten” established by this sentence and adding the development that was achieved through the interpretation carried out by the Article 29 Working Party and the jurisprudence of the different national courts.
Every year, apart from its rotating biannual Partners Meetings, Telfa (Trans European Law Firm) of which Adarve is the only Spanish member, organizes a meeting with associates from all the different firms belonging to the alliance across Europe in order to discuss on a hot legal topic, and this time it was Personal Data in the EU.
Founded in 1989 the Trans-European Law Firm Alliance (TELFA) is an international alliance of independent law firms which covers the jurisdictions of Europe and beyond. TELFA serves clients that have cross-border and/or multijurisdictional needs for legal advice. The firms within TELFA offer a wide range of legal services for corporates, entrepreneurs, family offices and high net worth individuals. Through its affiliation with the USLAW NETWORK member firms of TELFA and their clients have access to known and trusted legal advisers throughout the American continent.
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