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Corporate services
Once a company is incorporated it is subject to several corporate obligations to be accomplished along every business year but, also, your business may require the adoption of corporate measures such as: company’s sales/acquisitions, mergers, changes in the share capital of the company, change of name of the company, change of by-laws, corporate transformation, creation of subsidiaries, change of registered address, etc.
We offer full legal assistance in these kinds of matters that will help you to grow your business in Spain avoiding unnecessary legal problems.
Our services in these matters include:
- Providing legal advice about the best way to carry out each proceeding.
- Preparing the documents to be executed before the Notary Public.
- Going with the client to the Notary Public for the execution of the documents or going on behalf of the client when he/she is not in Spain.
- Paying all the applicable taxes.
- Presenting the public deed/s in the Commercial Registry, when necessary, and monitoring the registration process.