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Real Estate
ADARVE Real-Estate department is structured and linked with the other departments of the firm, so that our clients can be advised on all the different matters involved in these operations, such as negotiating and contracting but also on the most relevant collateral aspects (financial, tax-related, mercantile and administrative aspects).
ADARVE provides a complete legal advice in the different land-law fields and helps its clients to direct theirs real-estate investments and specific projects, whether they are individuals with buying, selling and renting operations, or companies working in this field as investors, developers, construction companies, etc.
For companies, our legal activity focuses on:
- Real-Estate transactions (buying and selling, exchanges, rights of surface, mortgages and other real property rights)
- Construction and financing real-estate projects
- Management, administration, commercialisation and maintenance
- Checking the legal situation of buildings and the rights on them
- Renting
All the aspects of the different kinds of real-estate projects, such as: residential estates, tourist buildings, office buildings, malls, resorts, etc.
For individuals, our lawyers take part in:
- Drawing up and negotiation of all kinds of contracts related with real-estate
- Making of all kinds of contracts (buying and selling, renting, sales promise, call option, exchanges, etc)
ADARVE has a solid reputation in Spanish real-estate and building market, essentially thanks to its participation as a legal advisor for residential estates, offices, hotels and leisure centres.
Besides, a lot of companies that do not belong to this field of action are occasionally involved in this market and need to be provided with a satisfactory and experienced service.
Public administrations –mainly town halls – find in Adarve’s services a fundamental help to carry out its urban policy.
- Our advising focuses on the following matters:
- Land planning
- Land planning implementation and urban management
- Execution of planning improvement work
- Planning control disciplinary powers
Guzmán López y MIGUEL