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Data Protection
ADARVE offers legal advice to companies to help them comply with the requirements derived from the treatment of personal data in the different areas of economic activity, in both relation to the Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (Spanish LOPD) and its regulation, as well as how to prepare for the future application of General Regulation of Protection of Personal data of the European Union (GRDP), through the following services:
Our data protection services include:
- Advice on current legislation, consultations on resolutions of specific aspects, drafting reports.
- Fulfillment of data protection audits (Data Protection Compliance).
- Management of procedures, claims and remedies before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection;
- management of private claims against the company.
- Interposition of legal remedies against decisions of the Spanish Agency of Data Protection.
- Advice and drafting of contracts and clauses about the processing of data.
In relation to the LOPD:
- Inscription, modification and suppression of files in the General Register of Data Protection;
- Drafting security documents;
- Requests for authorization of international transfers of personal data.data protection audit
In relation to the adaptation to the new General Regulation of Data Protection (RGPD):
- Audit of the processing of data made in the company, for the purpose of its adaptation to the Regulation.
- Design and implementation of data protection policies, training of personnel and managers.
- Analysis and adaptation of the information communicated to the general public, stakeholders and the authorities.
- Advice on the organization and implementation of records of processing activities.
- External coordination and data protection officer (DPO) services.
- Conduct impact evaluations (DPIA) of future processing.
- Management of security incidents, design and implementation of procedures in the company.
In field of intellectual and industrial property rights:
- Contracting on intellectual and industrial property rights
- Protection of distinctive signs and inventions and copyrights
- Adoption of measures and customs for the defense of rights
- Domain names
- Image rights
- Advertising campaigns and Contracts. Product Labeling
- Review of the situation of intellectual and industrial property rights
- Specialized civil and criminal procedural defense
- Patent and Trademark Agency; national, European, community and international registries, maintenance and monitoring of rights.
- Elaboration of expert reports. Registries of intellectual property rights
- Legal protection of computer programs
- Contracting of computer products and services
- Legal protection, contracting of the use and distribution of databases
- Legal protection of web pages