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Labour Law: Payroll-Hiring
Hiring in Spain can be performed through four types of work contracts:
It is a work contract for which no duration is set.
This can be for a full-time job, which may not exceed in any case 40 hours/week, or for a part-time job,in which the number of hours of work has been agreed with the worker per day, week, month or year which is less than the working hours of a “comparable full-time worker”, that is, a full-time worker at the same company and workplace who performs identical or similar work.
In addition, this type of contract mayincludea number of specificclauses, among which we can highlight:
- For people in social exclusion
- For home family services
This modality refers to fixed-term contracts.
All temporary contracts must be made in writing and must specify the reason for their temporary nature in sufficient detail. Otherwise, or if the ground for the temporary contract does not truly correspond to one of the legally-established grounds, the contract will be deemed to be made for an indefinite term, unless evidence of its temporary nature is provided.
This modality refers to fixed-term contracts.
All temporary contracts must be made in writing and must specify the reason for their temporary nature in sufficient detail. Otherwise, or if the ground for the temporary contract does not truly correspond to one of the legally-established grounds, the contract will be deemed to be made for an indefinite term, unless evidence of its temporary nature is provided.
- For graduates in possession of a university degree or advanced vocational training
- To conclude the contract, it must be within 5 years after the worker finishes his/her studies or 7 if he/she has any disability.
- Must be signed in writing.
- Duration: from 6 months to 2 years
The Spanish payslip is one of the most complicated payslips of the EU. Besides, in accordance with the current Spanish legislation, all the wage components including the salary in kind must be indicated.
Elements of the payslips in Spain:
- Identification of the parties
- Employee´s gross salary
- Employee´s professional category
- Employee´s seniority
- Social Security Contributions
- Employee´s net salary
- Withhold IRPF (personal income tax).
- Moreover, the payslip must be delivered to the employee and signed by the employer.