Yingke Adarve has participated in the writing of the book “Commercial Distribution”, edited by Thomson Reuters. It is one of the very few existing monographic works on the Retail industry,… read more →
The Ministry of Justice has published the draft Personal Data Protection Law to replace Personal Data Protection Law 15/1999 (LOPD, its Spanish acronym) in order to adapt the Spanish regulations… read more →
At the time of carrying out marketing communications by e-mail as, for example, digital publications with articles of interest about the brand or their field of services (¨Newsletters¨), it should… read more →
Telfa, the Trans-European Law Firms Alliance to which Adarve belongs, gathered representatives from its 27 members in Nicosia, Cyprus. Belén Berlanga, Partner in the Corporate Law Department and Laura Fauqueur,… read more →
It is well-known that, in the field of representation of mercantile companies, the general powers are obligated to be inscribed in a sheet that is open to every company in… read more →
Article 348 bis of the Corporate Enterprises Act entered once again into force on January 1st, 2017. Its reactivation implies the possibility for companies’ shareholders to request the distribution of,… read more →
After the claims filed in November, 2015, by foreigners residing in Spain, the European Commission has recently issued a reasoned opinion requesting Spain to change its rules on assets held… read more →
The General Data Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, hereinafter “the Regulation”) aims at marking a turning point for several… read more →
“This app asks authorization to access your location, your pictures and videos, your online shopping, your bank accounts, your contacts, your appointments…ultimately, your life”. TAKE IT or LEAVE IT. If… read more →
Talking about something like cybersecurity, which is both complex and essential in the digital transformation we live in, does not make sense if it is not done from a global… read more →