The oral proceedings is the other form of ordinary declaratory proceedings, governed by Title III of Part II of the CPA (Articles 437-447). This procedure applies to disputes where the amount does not exceed 6,000 euros, and those dealing with the following matters:
- Claims for rents and amounts due and owing by the lessee of an urban or rural estate, and evictions for nonpayment of rent or expiry of the agreed period.
- Repossession of an urban or rural estate, without security of tenure.
- Obtaining possession of assets acquired through inheritance.
- Guardianship in possession of a chattel of which the owner has been dispossessed.
- Suspension of a new work, or demolition of an existing work, building or any object in a state of ruin.
- Protection of property rights registered in the Land Registry against those challenging their exercise without a registered title.
- Maintenance due.
- Rectification of inaccurate and prejudicial facts.
- Hire purchase agreements for non registered personal property.
- Financial leasing, leasing of personal property and hire purchase agreements with reservation of legal ownership.
- Injunctions for the protection of collective and individual consumer and user interests.
- Effectiveness of the relationship rights between certain relatives and minors.