Before filing the lawsuit, the HPPPAct requires that the creditor in whatever of these legal relationships put the debtor on notice with a payment requirement with certain conditions.
In particular, the payment requirement must be brought through a notary, and sent to the place of residence of the debtor who entered into the original contract and must contain the amount claimed, the cause for the expiry of the obligation and the warning that, if the debtor fails to pay for or return the object of the said contract, then summary oral proceedings will be instigated for the recovery of the registered personal property.
If goods in question have been sold or leased to a third party, then this party should equally be put on notice of the payment requirement to satisfy the debt or return the goods to the creditor.
If within three working days from the service of the requirment notice the debtor fails to pay the creditor or return the said goods then the creditor can commence a claim for summary oral proceedings.